Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Fashion Trends : Gyaru

Today's post is about a Japanese fashion trend that has been around since the 70s, but got to be a bigger market in the early 2000s, is Gyaru. Their are many sub-cultures within Gyaru that would probably take me forever to talk about, so I will put a list of every type of Gyaru that their is in this post. But I will talk about my top three Gyaru styles which are Himegyaru, Kurogyaru and Agejo. Also I will have my two cents about Gyaru becoming a "Dying" trend in Japan and how I think why it is happening.

The different sub - cultures within Gyaru include :
Banba / Bamba
Baika / Bozosoku
Ganjiro / Shirogyaru
Gonguro - Ganguro
Kogyaru / Kogal
Manba / Mamba
Romanba / Romamba
Sentaa / Sentaa Guy
Yamanba / Yamamba

(But of course this is not the full list, their has been new trends popping every 6 months)

The first Gyaru sub-culture is Himegyaru (Princess Girl), this style came about in early 2000s but has since declined or turned more casual (this version is referred to as hime kajii), even if the old one is still present. Many people confuse Himegyaru with lolita fashion but the elements of both are very different but you could use accessories from both styles to bring into that style. 

One of the most over -the -top and most expensive of the Gyaru sub-cultures, the girls in this community only wear clothing from popular Himegyaru clothing line Jesus Diamante, but they also wear brands such as Liz Liza and La Parfait. Jesus Diamante is a very expensive brand most of their dresses are priced up to $600 and shoes $200.

(The girl above is wearing items from La Parfait and Jesus Diamante)
(These six girls are the shop girls from La Parfait, the girl second on the far left is Himena Ousaki who is very popular for her Himegyaru look)

The Second style is Agejo, in which the style is very glamorous and sexy, the style is still very active.. It is generally worn by, but is not exclusively limited to a hostess. With the intention of being flawlessly glamorous, and desirable. Agejo style places emphasis on the eyes, often enlarging and enhancing them with circle lenses, and several sets of false eyelashes. The hair is always styled in an up-do with curls, and sometimes includes extensions and/or wigs. It is very common for agejos to wear a multiple wigs at the same time. Agejo style is similar to hime-gyaru with the exception of being more skimpy, but classy.

 Agejo wear brands such as MA*RS, D.I.A, Egoist, Gilfy, Golds Infinity, Lip Service.

Last but not least my favorite gyaru look is Kurogyaru, these girl are amazing ! Hair dyed different colors and different styles, nails as long as 5 inches and highly embellished with different rimestones and chabchons, Very detailed makeup. This style used to be called ganguro but they rarely you that name now .

One of the biggest trends in Gyaru and in Japan is Nail design, Kurogyaru take it to the extreme 

The most popular Kurogyaru "group" is Black Diamond, they have members all over the world including the U.S and Europe. The three leaders of Black Diamond want the would to know about Kurogyaru and how they are changing the world of Gyaru fashion

Kurogyaru only wear clothing from the brand D.I.A

The #1 item for wearing Kurogyaru is D.I.A's belts, these belt run a Kurogyaru about $100 depending on the style of the belt

Here is a video about Kurogyaru and Black Diamond

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